Welcome, Retail Mage, to your first day of employment at MageMart! Get 5 star reviews from customers before the store closes. Play with up to 3 friends in this open-ended, creative co-op game!


You applied for a job at MageMart and were hired on the spot!

The store will be closing in 30 minutes and there are still a bunch of customers on the floor who need your help.

Satisfy their wants and earn 5-star reviews to receive the praise and adoration of management.

…Or insult everyone you meet to get 1-star rants as you throw the store into chaos and flames.

What kind of Retail Mage are you?

Do anything. Say anything.

Say what you want to say (literally, with voice to text) and choose from dialog options generated on the spot!

Get creative with how you interact with everything in the store. Rip a page out of a book you find. Search a haystack for a needle. Draw a picture of a giraffe on the back of a priceless painting.

At MageMart, if you can imagine it, you can try to do it*!

*Critical failure in outlandish actions may result in demoralization, injury, or spontaneous combustion.

Don’t retail alone.

Everyone knows that minimum wage magical retail labor is more fun with friends!

Recruit up to three others to join your game. Meet a friendly crow plushie with sage advice. Befriend an absent-minded mannequin with hidden talents.

Work together (or troll each other) as you discover the secrets of the store.